Terms and Conditions

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_custom_headline level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”false” class=”cs-ta-center man”]Terms and Conditions[/x_custom_headline][x_gap size=”25px”][x_tab_nav type=”four-up” float=”left” class=”man”][x_tab_nav_item title=”Sales Conditions” active=”true” class=”man”][x_tab_nav_item title=”Payment Instructions” active=”false”][x_tab_nav_item title=”Invoicing Instrucions” active=”false”][x_tab_nav_item title=”Cancellation, Refound and Drivers extra wait” active=”false”][/x_tab_nav][x_tabs class=”man”][x_tab active=”true” class=”man”]


1. Stipulation of the Transport Contract
The passenger (or the Agency/Company which requests the service on behalf of the traveler) acquires the transportation service provided by VeniceTransfer.cab by the online booking system or directly by telephone or by fax or by email. In case of online booking, payment is made in advance by credit card with PayPal at the time of the booking confirmation via web. In case of special corporate agreements with agencies/companies, other terms and timing of payment may be agreed. With the purchase of the transport service is entered into a Transport Contract between the applicant and the carrier VeniceTransfer.cab.
2. Fiscal documents
The applicant must state from the time of booking whether he wishes to receive the invoice or not; this document will be sent to the customer via email in PDF format to the email address provided at the time of booking. Unlike, a tax receipt will be issued.
3. Management of overbookings
In case of overbooking or internal operational needs VeniceTransfer.cab reserves the right – while keeping unchanged the cost specified when booking and without any forewarning of the user – to:
a. manage the transport request using a larger car class
b. involve in the execution of the transfer also local partners (whose vehicles will be of the same level or higher)
In case of last-minute emergencies, local taxi companies might also be involved .
4. Transparency and completeness of information
The passenger has the right to be informed in advance and in a transparent way of what is included or not in the price, of any extra charge for requests made during the transport services (eg. detours and waits unspecified at the time of booking) and has the right to access any information concerning its transport service available to the driver. In the event that the traveler needs extra services or optionals (eg. detours or waits) in addition to those previously booked and prepaid, the payment of the extras will be effected in cash at the time of the transport, unless otherwise agreed.
5. Insurance coverage
Passengers transportation is fully covered by automobile liability that VeniceTransfer.cab has entered into for its own vehicles with third parties. Once reached his destination, the traveler must immediately check the correspondence and the integrity of his baggage; any liability for damage, loss or theft can’t be accepted in a successive moment. In case of finding of personal items inside vehicles presumably lost by travelers, such items will be handled in compliance with current regulations.
6. Transport of animals on board
VeniceTransfer.cab has the right not to provide the service of transportation in the event that the traveler has with him pets of any kind and has not given notice at the time of booking. In the above case the traveler is obliged to pay the amount indicated during booking. An exception is made for guide dogs accompanying blind people. It is instead allowed, upon notice at the time of booking, the transport of pets as long as the passenger has with him a suitable cage / container.
7. Forbidden behaviors on board
On board the vehicles it is forbidden to:
a) smoke and eat;
b) throw objects from both stationary and moving vehicles;
c) deface, defile or damage the vehicle;
d) demand the carriage of pets without having adopted, in agreement with the charterer, appropriate measures to prevent damage/soiling of the car or dangerous driving conditions;
e) require that the carriage is made in violation of the safety/conduct rules of the current Highway Code.
f) refuse the proper use of safety belts and / or any other indication received by the driver to travel in safety.


8. Booking changes
Any changes must absolutely be communicated via email to our Booking Office, which will verify their compatibility with the other transfers booked and will reconfirm them by e-mail. The modification of some elements of the reservation may involve – in certain cases – a change in the price previously budgeted, such as for example:
i. Changes related to the transfer route
ii. Changes related to the day or time of execution of the transfer
iii. Changes related to the number of passengers
iv. Changes related to optional services
9. Cancellations: full reimbursement
Any cancellations must absolutely be communicated via email to our Booking Office. There is no penalty applied to cancellations made at least 48 hours ahead of scheduled pick up time; in this case, then, the amount prepaid by the customer will be refunded in full.
10. Cancellations: partial refund
There is a 50% penalty applied to cancellations made at least 24 hours ahead of scheduled pick up time; in this case, then, the amount prepaid by the customer will be refunded for 50%.
11. Cancellations: no refund
Cancellations received less than 24 hours before of the scheduled pick up time are subject to a penalty of 100% i.e. not eligible for any refund, except as provided at art. 19 (the right to the full repayment of the service in case the carrier refuses to arrange the transportation in presence of dangerous conditions).
12. Payment of the reimbursements
Refund will be made through the same mean of payment used by the customer for the prepayment.
13. Transaction fees
In the event of prepayment, however, the refund will be made net of the costs related to the transaction fee.


14. Meeting point
The meeting point between driver and passenger will be clearly specified at the time of booking. In the event that the meeting place is not available due to force majeure or unforeseeable events, VeniceTransfer.cab will contact the traveler to agree a different meeting place. If requested, name and mobile-phone number of the driver will be available starting from the late afternoon prior to the service sending an email at  info@VeniceTransfer.cab
15. Driver’s wait
The eventual driver’s wait at the moment of pick up is regarded as included in the price for a well specified “period of tolerance” that varies depending on the place of pick-up (see the following art. 16 et seq.). If the waiting of the driver exceeds such period of tolerance, the cost of the service will be increased of € 11.00 per sedan nd € 15.00 per van, per each additional 15 minutes and will be paid directly by the passenger to the driver at the end of the transport service, except different agreements.
16. Periods of tolerance
• At the Airports: the driver will wait for the passenger at no extra cost until his flight has landed and, from that moment, for further 60 minutes (period of tolerance)
• At the Train Stations: the driver will wait for the passenger at no extra cost until his train has arrived and, from that moment, for further 15 minutes (period of tolerance)
• In all the other places except Airports and Train Stations (such as Ports, Piers, Hotels, Campsites, Private Homes, etc.): the driver will wait for the passenger at no extra cost for 10 minutes (period of tolerance) past the agreed meeting time
17. Customer’s delay
If the passenger realizes that he will not be able to meet the driver within the terms above, he has to contact VeniceTransfer.cab by calling the emergency telephone number +39 0422848373 and the driver will be waiting further (at the extra cost of € 11,00 per sedan nd € 15.00 per van, per each additional 15 minutes) or will agree with the passenger to postpone the pick up – compatibly with the other transfers he has in charge – and/or to send another driver. If the terms above have elapsed and the Client has not yet appeared and has not yet called to warn of the delay, the driver will try to contact him at the mobile-phone number provided at the time of booking (it is Client’s  responsibility to provide the number of a mobile-phone at the time of booking and keep it with him switched on).
However, if within the terms above the client has not yet appeared, has not yet called and has not answered the phone, the driver is entitled to go away and VeniceTransfer.cab is entitled to retain the whole price paid (or to debit the Agency/ Company which required the service for the whole cost).
VERY IMPORTANT: If the customer is arriving at the Airport (Train Station) with a flight (train) other than the one provided at the time of booking, for example due to a missed connecting flight (train), he is required to  notify such event to the Booking Office before of the expected arrival time of the flight (train) originally planned, so that the transfer might be appropriately rescheduled. Otherwise, the service will be considered a No-Show: therefore the price prepaid will be fully retained and no further transfer will be arranged.


18. Failure or delay in delivery of the service for reasons attributable to the applicant
VeniceTransfer.cab is not responsible for delays that occur during the delivery of the service and/or for the failure to provide the service itself, where this is due to omitted or incorrect information by the applicant during the communication of addresses, departure times, destinations and any other data required at the time of booking (eg .: unsuitable vehicle due to a wrong indication of the number of passengers and/or pieces of luggage, or pickup time incompatible with the scheduled departure times of flights / trains / ships, etc.). In these cases the traveler is obliged to pay the price and therefore VeniceTransfer.cab is entitled to retain the full amount prepaid by the passenger (or to debit the Agency / Company which required the service for the whole cost).
19. Failure or delay in service delivery due to force majeure
VeniceTransfer.cab is not responsible for delays that occur during the delivery of the service and / or for the failure to provide the service itself, where:
• this is due to reasons of force majeure beyond its control (eg .: natural/atmospheric events, socio-political events as strikes, demonstrations or roadblocks, sudden breakdowns of the car, etc.)
• VeniceTransfer.cab has nevertheless acted with all measures economically and reasonably possible to prevent the breach of its commitments.
Therefore, taken for granted that VeniceTransfer.cab will try in every reasonable way to send its vehicles (or vehicles driven by its external partners) in time to meet its commitments with the customer, it is not liable in any way for any damages arising from delays due to causes beyond its control and will be entitled to retain the full amount prepaid by the passenger.
In case of exceptional bad weather conditions (snow storms, tornadoes, etc.) or socio-political events (riots, acts of terrorism, etc.) characterized by an exceptional gravity (for example: weather conditions that involve the closure of crossing points / mountain passes at high altitude) that, at the discretion of VeniceTransfer.cab, could jeopardize the safety of the passengers and/or of the driver or the integrity of the vehicle to be used, VeniceTransfer.cab has the right to refuse the execution or the prosecution of the transport and the user may:
a. ask, where objectively as possible, that the transfer is carried along alternative routes, paying any further cost;
b. request the cancellation of the service and the full repayment of any amounts prepaid, notwithstanding the provisions in the “Changes/Cancellations Policy”.
20. Failure or delay in delivery of services through negligence or for reasons under the control of the carrier
If VeniceTransfer.cab should fail for any reason under its control to carry through the services required, passengers will be transported to their destination – if possible – by alternative means (other private-transfer services, taxi, buses, etc.). Should this not be possible, VeniceTransfer.cab has to be therefore considered responsible for any damages and losses caused by delays, errors or omissions directly attributable to it or for reasons under its control; so, there will be a flat-rate compensation to the user, the amount of which – in any case – may not exceed twice the value of the prepaid service.
21. Intermodal transportation
If part of a service involves a third person as a provider of an intermodal service coupled with that of VeniceTransfer.cab (for example in the case of packets “car transfer + speedboat transfer” or “car transfer + bus transfer”) VeniceTransfer.cab can never be held responsible for delays that occur during service delivery combined with its transfer and/or for the failure to provide the service matched to its one – even if the intermodal service has been fully booked through VeniceTransfer.cab. In these cases, however, VeniceTransfer.cab will strive in every possible way for the user to get a refund (by such supplier) of any damages suffered as a result of negligence of the supplier of the intermodal service.
22. Jurisdiction
For matters not covered in these General Conditions of Sale, reference is made to the provisions of the Civil Code concerning Transport Contract. Any dispute or controversy between VeniceTransfer.cab and the customer/applicant will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Venice (Italy).[/x_tab][x_tab active=”false”]



The bank transfer must be effected at least 72 hours in advance (at no charge for the beneficiary) using the bank details provided with the booking confirmation, sending us immediately by email at info@VeniceTransfer.cab a copy of the bank transfer.
As soon as we acquired the order, you will receive an email from us to confirm the finalization of the booking.


You can send us via email, at least 72 hours in advance, the following information of a credit card included in the VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX circuit:
After having charged your card you will receive an email from us confirming the finalization of your booking.


If you already have a PayPal account you can arrange a payment, at least 72 hours in advance, toward our account.
Don’t you have your own PayPal account? No problem! Just let us know and we will send you a “PayPal Payment Request” by email, where you will find a link which will reroute you to the PayPal website and, just following few simple instructions, you will be able to effect payments with any credit card in total security.
After having collected your prepayment you will receive both an email-advise by PayPal and an email from us confirming the finalization of your booking.


If so, just let us know at the time of the booking, providing the following information:
NAME OF COMPANY to which the invoice will be issued (if you are an individual and not a company: NAME/SURNAME, DATE/PLACE of BIRTH)
FULL ADDRESS: street & no., postal code, city, state
V.A.T. number (only if you are a company)
EMAIL ADDRESS to which we’ll have to send the invoice

VERY IMPORTANT: the invoice will be issued only after having received the payment and after the service has being performed.

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If the prepayment is made by a subject having the need of deducting its cost, you can ask for the billing of our service.
Once payment is received, we will provide to send you by e-mail the invoice within a few hours in PDF format.
If you wish to receive the invoice, kindly make the request at the time of the booking, by providing the following information:
NAME OF COMPANY: to which the invoice will be issued (if you are an individual and not a company: NAME/SURNAME, DATE/PLACE of BIRTH)
FULL ADDRESS: street & no., postal code, city, state
V.A.T./Fisal TAX id number: (only if you are a company)
EMAIL ADDRESS to which we’ll have to send the invoice

VERY IMPORTANT: the invoice will be issued only after having received the payment[/x_tab][x_tab active=”false”]


• Booking changes
Any changes must absolutely be communicated via email to our Booking Office, which will verify their compatibility with the other transfers booked and will reconfirm them by e-mail. The modification of some elements of the reservation may involve – in certain cases – a change in the price previously budgeted, such as for example:
• Changes related to the transfer route
• Changes related to the day or time of execution of the transfer
• Changes related to the number of passengers
• Changes related to optional services
• Cancellations
Any cancellations must absolutely be communicated via email to our Booking Office
• There is no penalty applied to cancellations made at least 48 hours ahead of scheduled pick up time; in this case the amount prepaid will be refunded in full.
• There is a 50% penalty applied to cancellations made at least 24 hours ahead of scheduled pick up time; in this case the amount prepaid by the customer will be refunded for 50%.
• Cancellations received less than 24 hours before of the scheduled pick up time are subject to a penalty of 100% i.e. not eligible for any refund.
• Terms reserved to affiliated Agencies/Companies
The above terms shall be construed halved if the service is required by a business-partner Agency/Company (full refund 24 hours ahead, partial refund 12 hours ahead, no refund less than 12 hours ahead).
• Payment of the reimbursements
Refund will be made through the same mean of payment used by the customer for the prepayment. In the event of prepayment by bank transfer, however, the refund will be made net of the costs related to the banking transaction.


• Meeting point
The meeting point between driver and passenger will be clearly specified at the time of booking. In the event that the meeting place is not available due to force majeure or unforeseeable events, VPE will contact the traveler to agree a different meeting place. If requested, name and mobile-phone number of the driver will be available starting from the late afternoon prior to the service sending an email at  info@veneziaportaest.com
• Driver’s wait
The eventual driver’s wait at the moment of pick up is regarded as included in the price for a well specified “period of tolerance” that varies depending on the place of pick-up (see the following art.). If the waiting of the driver exceeds such period of tolerance, the cost of the service will be increased of € 11.00 per each additional 15 minutes and will be paid directly by the passenger to the driver at the end of the transport service, except different agreements.
• Periods of tolerance
• At the Airports: the driver will wait for the passenger at no extra cost until his flight has landed and, from that moment, for further 60 minutes (period of tolerance)
• At the Train Stations: the driver will wait for the passenger at no extra cost until his train has arrived and, from that moment, for further 15 minutes (period of tolerance)
• In all the other places except Airports and Train Stations (such as Ports, Piers, Hotels, Campsites, Private Homes, etc.): the driver will wait for the passenger at no extra cost for 15 minutes (period of tolerance) past the agreed meeting time
• Customer’s delay
If the passenger realizes that he will not be able to meet the driver within the terms above, he has to contact VPE by calling the emergency telephone number +39(0)415950673 and the driver will be waiting further (at the extra cost of € 11,00 per sedan and € 15.00 per van, per each additional 15 minutes) or will agree with the passenger to postpone the pick up – compatibly with the other transfers he has in charge – and/or to send another driver. If the terms above have elapsed and the Client has not yet appeared and has not yet called to warn of the delay, the driver will try to contact him at the mobile-phone number provided at the time of booking (it is Client’s  responsibility to provide the number of a mobile-phone at the time of booking and keep it with him switched on).
However, if within the terms above the client has not yet appeared, has not yet called and has not answered the phone, the driver is entitled to go away and VPE is entitled to retain the whole price paid (or to debit the Agency/ Company which required the service for the whole cost).

VERY IMPORTANT: If the customer is arriving at the Airport (Train Station) with a flight (train) other than the one provided at the time of booking, for example due to a missed connecting flight (train), he is required to  notify such event to the Booking Office before of the expected arrival time of the flight (train) originally planned, so that the transfer might be appropriately rescheduled. Otherwise, the service will be considered a No-Show: therefore the price prepaid will be fully retained and no further transfer will be arranged.[/x_tab][/x_tabs][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]